Dispenser is a sensory adventure in the world of branding.
Dispenser weaves the weave that binds it to the customer, giving shape to the only possible brand-image, the one that enhances one and gratifies the other.
Our customers perceive us as an integral part of their company, we share their values and we make them our own so that the projects reach the pre-established corporate objectives: we probe the present and often the past of our client companies with an eye always directed towards the future. This is because every brand has a story to tell.
Dispenser is a true “artisan laboratory” where ideas become reality and needs materialize into solutions capable of expressing the brand. From the idea to the model there are hundreds of attempts that we translate into prototypes, with the help of collaborators and advanced technologies capable of taking the project from paper to matter.
We dose strategy, creativity and innovation in equal parts in the approach to each project, always and only after a careful analysis of the competitive and market scenario in which the company is located. And this is because our goal is to improve the competitiveness of the brands we work on.